Maharashtra Sets the Bar: Leading the Nation in NAAC Assessment of Higher Education Institutions

Pune, 13th August 2023: Maharashtra has carved a significant milestone in the realm of higher education by emerging as a frontrunner in the National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) evaluation process on a national scale. Recent data unveiled by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council reveals that a total of 1,957 higher education institutions, comprising 35 universities and 1,922 colleges, within the state have successfully undergone the rigorous NAAC assessment.

In its pursuit of cultivating a landscape of excellence in higher education, educational institutions are mandated to undergo the comprehensive NAAC evaluation and re-evaluation processes. The categorization assigned by NAAC evaluation serves as a pivotal indicator of an institution’s quality and standing. While the NAAC assessment process is known for its intricacy and time-intensive nature, several institutions in Maharashtra initially underestimated its significance. However, aligned with the directives of the National Education Policy 2020, essential refinements are being introduced into the evaluation framework for higher education institutions. Until the new methodology is fully implemented, adherence to NAAC assessment remains obligatory. The Department of Higher Education has diligently worked to ensure that colleges and universities within the state adhere to the NAAC assessment mandate.

As of May 2023, the data presented on the NAAC website underscores Maharashtra’s ascendancy, boasting the highest tally of 1,957 higher education institutions that have successfully undergone NAAC evaluation. This statistic eclipses Karnataka, ranking second with 1,028 higher education institutions having completed NAAC assessment, while Tamil Nadu stands with 904 institutions having concluded the process. Although Maharashtra accommodates a substantial number of colleges, the state was initially lagging in NAAC assessment due to the reluctance of some institutions to participate. However, this landscape has undergone a transformation, propelling Maharashtra to the forefront of the national NAAC assessment arena.

Undoubtedly, the right to quality education is intrinsic to every student’s journey. Consequently, colleges and universities bear the onus of undertaking NAAC evaluation and re-evaluation as a testament to their commitment to excellence. This dedication has been consistently emphasized by the Directorate of Higher Education, leading to proactive measures. Universities were directed to halt first-year admissions for colleges that did not undergo NAAC assessment or re-evaluation, and affiliations were suspended for non-compliant institutions, in accordance with the stipulated provisions.

Remarkably, there has been a discernible surge in the number of colleges actively engaging in NAAC evaluation and re-evaluation, ultimately catapulting Maharashtra to the pioneering position in NAAC assessment. This achievement has garnered nationwide attention, with other states now looking to Maharashtra as an exemplar, as stated by Dr. Shailendra Deolankar, Director of Higher Education, Maharashtra.

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