Magarpatta City Residents Express Concerns Over Traffic Disruption and Noise Pollution Caused by Heavy Vehicles

Residents of several societies in Magarpatta are expressing their distress over the continuous entry of heavy vehicles into the area, despite height barricades prohibiting their entry. This situation has resulted in disrupted traffic flow at various locations, as well as increased noise pollution even during nighttime. The residents are urging authorities to take action to address these issues and ensure a peaceful living environment.

Traffic Disruption and Noise Pollution

Vijay Bijjargi, a concerned resident of Magarpatta, highlighted the problem of heavy vehicles entering the road leading to Noble Hospital, which has become more prevalent since the opening of the Magarpatta-Koregaon Park bridge. Despite the presence of barricades, some heavy vehicles break or damage them and pass through, hindering the smooth flow of traffic on a daily basis. The majority of these heavy vehicles travel during nighttime, causing significant inconvenience to nearby residents due to loud honking and excessive noise pollution. The disruptive noise levels persist until the early hours, hampering the residents’ sleep.

Residents’ Concerns and Calls for Action

Residents of Magarpatta, who wished to remain anonymous, expressed frustration over heavy vehicles continuing to enter the area despite the ban and occasionally breaking the barricades. They emphasized the lack of proper inspection and monitoring of the affected route. The disturbances caused by honking noises and other traffic-related issues persist every night, creating a continuous nuisance for the residents. They are urging authorities to find a solution to address this recurring problem.

Height Barricades and Rule Compliance

Nishit Gulyani, a resident of Jasminium Society in Magarpatta, highlighted the issue of heavy vehicles still entering the narrow road leading to Noble Hospital, despite the installation of height barricades. This constant entry disrupts traffic flow, creates noise pollution, and poses various other problems for the residents.

Similar sentiments were echoed by Manish Singh and Deepak Ajmera, residents of Jasminium Society, who emphasized that heavy vehicles are not supposed to enter the area due to the narrow road and the presence of high barricades. However, compliance with these rules appears to be lacking, leading to the daily problems of noise pollution and disrupted traffic flow.

Authorities’ Response

Sunil Jadhav, Police Inspector of Hadapsar Traffic Division, acknowledged the concerns raised by the residents. He stated that the traffic police are planning to install two robust barricades on the affected route and will soon appoint five traffic wardens to monitor the situation closely. These measures are intended to deter heavy vehicles from entering the area and address the residents’ concerns about traffic disruption and noise pollution.

The ongoing issue of heavy vehicles entering Magarpatta City despite height barricades has led to significant traffic disruption and noise pollution, causing distress for the residents. The residents are urging authorities to take effective action to enforce the ban on heavy vehicles and prevent the breakage of barricades. The proposed installation of stronger barricades and the appointment of traffic wardens are positive steps towards resolving the problem and restoring peace to the affected areas. It is essential for authorities to address these concerns promptly and ensure the well-being and tranquility of Magarpatta City residents.

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