CEC Steps In: Pune’s BBPP Road Project Faces Scrutiny Amidst Environmental Concerns

Central Empowered Committee to Assess Environmental Impact Amidst Opposition and Support”

The Central Empowered Committee (CEC), convened by the Supreme Court, convened on Friday to address concerns raised by activists and officials regarding the proposed Balbharati Paud Phata (BBPP) Road project in Pune. As tensions rise over the 1.8km-long planned road, part of the 2007 development plan of the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC), the CEC plans to conduct a site visit on Sunday to assess the situation firsthand.

Led by Sunil Limaye, former state principal chief conservator of forests (wildlife), the committee engaged with activists, including Sushma Date, Sarang Yadwadkar, Madhvi Raharikar, and Gurudas Nulkar, who presented objections to the project. Additionally, PMC officials provided their perspective on the proposed road.

Sushma Date emphasized concerns regarding environmental impact and groundwater aquifers, questioning the validity of PMC’s data and surveys related to the project. However, PMC officials refrained from commenting on the matter.

In a controversial move, supporters of the planned road were excluded from the meeting between the central panel, activists, and civic officials. BJP leader Ujwal Keskar expressed disappointment, stating that while their application was accepted, they were not given an opportunity to present their case during the meeting. Keskar further alleged that individuals not scheduled for the hearing were allowed to speak, raising questions about equal representation.

Despite opposition from environmentalists and locals, PMC has proceeded with the legal process for the project’s initiation.

The CEC’s upcoming site visit aims to provide clarity on the contentious issues surrounding the BBPP Road project, shedding light on environmental concerns and community sentiments.

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