Airport Assistance Crisis: Mumbai Incident Highlights Urgency for Improved Accessibility

Mumbai – A heartbreaking incident unfolded at Mumbai Airport, shedding light on the critical issue of wheelchair assistance inadequacies. An 80-year-old passenger, arriving from New York on an Air India flight, tragically lost his life due to the unavailability of proper wheelchair assistance, raising concerns about the accessibility challenges faced by elderly passengers.

The elderly individual, of Indian origin, had pre-booked tickets, including a wheelchair, considering his special needs. However, due to a shortage of wheelchair facilities at the airport, he was provided with only one assistant. Faced with the dilemma, the passenger allowed his wife to use the wheelchair while deciding to walk himself. The unfortunate incident occurred when he collapsed suddenly at the immigration counter on Monday, succumbing to a cardiac episode.

Despite pre-booking wheelchair services for the flight departing from New York, the lack of sufficient facilities at Mumbai Airport became evident. With 32 wheelchair passengers on the plane, only 15 wheelchair facilities were available upon arrival in Mumbai. The Air India spokesperson explained that the airline had requested passengers to wait briefly for wheelchair arrangements due to high demand. However, the elderly passenger opted to walk with his wife, leading to the tragic outcome.

Air India expressed deep regret over the incident, considering it highly unfortunate, and pledged assistance to the affected family. Airport authorities acknowledged witnessing similar instances where elderly couples preferred staying together during the journey from the plane to the airport terminal, especially if mobility was challenging for one of them.

This incident brings attention to the urgent need for enhanced wheelchair assistance facilities and improved accessibility measures at airports to prevent such unfortunate events in the future.

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