Honoring Excellence: Tata BlueScope Steel’s Tribute to Educators on Teachers’ Day

In a heartwarming celebration of Teachers’ Day, Tata BlueScope Steel paid tribute to 30 exceptional educators today. These educators, associated with organizations such as the Doorstep School Foundation, ZEP Foundation, Kamayani School, and Khinvasara Patil School, were recognized for their unwavering dedication to education and societal betterment.

Tata BlueScope Steel, through its #shelterforall movement, is driving positive change within communities, particularly within educational institutions striving to uplift marginalized communities, women, and children.

The event was graced by the presence of Padmashree Shri Mr. Girish Y. Prabhune, a renowned Indian social worker celebrated for his efforts in uplifting nomadic communities, and Prof. Rajani Paranjape, the Founder and President of Doorstep School, an organization devoted to educating the children of construction workers.

“Teachers are the cornerstones of a great nation, as is the case with India. From ancient sages to modern visionaries, the ‘Guru-Shishya’ (teacher-student) tradition has thrived, shaping remarkable individuals. Knowledge is the key to a nation’s development, and our teachers bear the vital responsibility of imparting it. Tata BlueScope Steel’s recognition of these educators is commendable; it inspires them to nurture our nation’s future. Let us continue teaching and preserving our rich legacy of knowledge,” remarked Girish Prabhune.

Addressing the gathering, Mr. Anoop Kumar Trivedi, Managing Director of Tata BlueScope Steel, expressed his gratitude for the exceptional teachers who played a pivotal role in his journey from school to IIT. He emphasized that teachers ignite thoughts that lead to greatness and underscored their role as the cornerstone of society. He stated, “Their dedication and passion in nurturing young minds have a profound and lasting effect on our world. Today, we salute these extraordinary educators who embody the values of excellence, compassion, and leadership.”

The schools being honored have been selected for their outstanding contributions to society, particularly in the domains of education and community development. The Doorstep School Foundation, established in 1989, combats illiteracy among children from extremely marginalized communities through the innovative concept of a “School on Wheels.” Modified buses serve as mobile classrooms, reaching migrant children aged 3-14 in temporary settlements. The Kamayani School, founded in 1964, focuses on the education and vocational training of individuals with mental disabilities, offering services from child guidance to adult day care. Their objective is to integrate these individuals into society with dignity. The ZEP Foundation works with special children with learning disabilities, providing education and treatment under one roof.

Tata BlueScope Steel has been an active supporter of these schools.

Each teacher was presented with a token of appreciation and had trees planted in their names at Tata BlueScope Steel’s Jamshedpur Plant, symbolizing the enduring legacy of their work.

Tata BlueScope Steel remains steadfast in its commitment to nurturing a brighter future. The recognition of these exceptional educators underscores the company’s dedication to promoting education, empowerment, and sustainability in society. Tata BlueScope Steel has also launched #shelterforall, an initiative that aims to bring about positive change, uplift communities, and contribute to a larger societal good, focusing on what truly matters. Grounded in the core value of compassion, this movement transcends conventional boundaries and emphasizes the importance of doing good alongside doing well in business.

About Tata BlueScope Steel:

Tata BlueScope Steel Private Ltd, a joint venture between Tata Steel and BlueScope Steel, specializes in manufacturing metallic coated and painted steel products. As a market leader in coated steel products within the construction segment, the company operates in the Asia Pacific region and provides comprehensive steel building solutions and related building products.

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