Fiberklaar Unveils Plans for Fiber Network Expansion in Gavere, Oudenaarde, and Kruisem

Belgium’s prominent network operator, Fiberklaar, has taken a significant step towards enhancing the digital landscape by announcing its ambitious project to deploy a high-speed fiber network in the regions of Gavere, Oudenaarde, and Kruisem. This strategic initiative aims to deliver open and high-speed fiber optic network connections to residents, promising improved digital experiences and connectivity options.

Fiberklaar has solidified its commitment to the expansion by revealing that it will extend complimentary fiber optic connections to eligible properties within these regions. This expansion is fueled by robust demand, with an impressive 20 percent of residents having already expressed interest in the service through a pre-marketing campaign. Building on this positive response, Fiberklaar is now poised to provide free fiber optic cables to all properties that can be connected within Gavere, Oudenaarde, and Kruisem.

To facilitate this ambitious expansion, Fiberklaar has enlisted the expertise of contractor Circet’s technicians. These professionals are actively surveying homes in the designated areas to determine the most effective installation approach for the fiber cables. Residents can expect to receive timely communication about these visits, which carry no obligation and are intended solely for assessment purposes.

Residents keen on embracing the benefits of fiber optic connectivity can seamlessly enroll in the program. Interested individuals have the option to register online or request a fiber cable through Fiberklaar’s dedicated contractor. Importantly, there are no strings attached, and applications can be canceled without incurring any charges.

Beyond its immediate impact on connectivity, Fiberklaar’s initiative carries broader implications for the digital landscape in Belgium. By expanding the availability of fast and reliable fiber optic internet, these regions will undoubtedly witness improvements in internet speed, stability, and a wider array of service providers. This venture aligns with the overarching goal of Fiberklaar, which is to connect 1.5 million homes and businesses across Flanders to fiber-optic networks, thus fostering a more digitally inclusive and advanced society.

As Fiberklaar’s plans unfold in Gavere, Oudenaarde, and Kruisem, residents and businesses in these areas can anticipate a more seamless and connected future, with access to cutting-edge digital services and enhanced online experiences.

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