Beachville Coffee Roasters Expands its Horizon with a Second Cafe in Chennai: A Culinary and Caffeine Extravaganza Awaits!

In the heart of Chennai’s bustling retail hub, coffee enthusiasts have a new sanctuary to explore with the grand opening of Beachville Coffee Roasters’ second cafe on February 12th. More than just a coffee joint, this establishment aspires to be a haven for both seasoned aficionados and novices, promising an immersive experience in the world of exceptional coffee.

A Coffee Haven Unveiled

As you step inside, the ambiance welcomes you with a perfect blend of modern aesthetics and comfortable warmth. The star of the show is an enticing array of globally sourced brews, meticulously curated from the finest estates worldwide. From the robust flavors of traditional South Indian coffee to the exotic allure of African blends, each cup reflects Beachville’s dedication to quality and authenticity.

A standout among the offerings is the Attikan coffee, a delightful symphony of vanilla, fig, caramel, and nuts, creating a dance of flavors on the palate. For those seeking a unique twist, the Coffee Jelly Latte promises a fusion of flavors reminiscent of bubble tea, creating a conversation-worthy experience.

Beyond Brews: A Culinary Adventure

Beachville Coffee Roasters isn’t just about the coffee; it’s a culinary adventure that unfolds alongside each sip. Indulge in the Panuzzo, a baked flatbread perfectly paired with your morning cup, or savor the Coffee Toffee Dessert, a decadent treat crafted to satisfy even the most discerning sweet tooth. Every dish is a testament to creativity and care, elevating the coffee experience to new heights.

Passion Project of Quality and Education

With seating for over 60 guests, the cafe provides ample space for solitude seekers and social butterflies alike. Founder Divya Jayashankar views this venture not merely as a business endeavor but as a passion project fueled by a love for specialty coffee and a desire to share that passion with the world.

As Beachville Coffee Roasters takes this bold step forward, it does so with an unwavering commitment to its twin pillars of quality and education. From the first sip to the last, each visit promises to be an adventure to be savored, shared, and celebrated.


  • Where: Beachville Coffee Roasters, 11, 19, Khader Nawaz Khan Rd, Srirampuram, Thousand Lights West, Thousand Lights, Chennai, Poombukar Nagar, Tamil Nadu
  • When: 8 am – 9:45 pm
  • Cost: ₹700 (For two)
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